Since its founding in 2004, EPMA has been regularly cooperating with a range of diverse partner organisations, including universities throughout Europe such as the University of Groningen (NL), Leibniz University Hannover (DE), University of Charles University in Prague (CZ), Krakow University of Economics (PL), and University of Vienna (AT).
Furthermore, EPMA has been benefiting from cooperation with experts from the Czech and other European national governments, ministries and other public bodies as well as from European Union bodies including the European Commission, its institutes and the European Parliament Committees.
Businesses and development agencies from the Czech Republic and Europe, including Chambers of Commerce and non-profit organisations have also collaborated with EPMA on past and present projects. Frequent project partners are organisations such as Austrian Computer Society, MFG Public Innovation Agency for IT and Media (DE), Danish Technological Institute (DK) or La Fonderie (FR).
Internationally EPMA benefits from close and regular co-operation with European networks, including ELANET, CEMR, and EUROCITIES. On a regional level EPMA is connected to more than 50 European regions, having working relations with such of them, including the National Assembly for Wales (UK) and Piedmont Region (IT). EPMA has also maintained cooperation with networks of local governments, such as the Association of Italian Municipalities, the Association of Basque Municipalities and the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic.
As the organiser of the thematic European conferences (e.g. Eastern European eGovernment Days, ONE Conference Brussels and Prague), EPMA is linked to a large scale of experts from governments, business and academia. Since 2016 EPMA is cooperating also with the GIP Digital Watch observatory.