Name of the project: VPN (Vivier des projets numériques)
Duration: 1.11.2021 – 30.10.2023
Funding: the project is co-funded by the European Union from Erasmus+ program
EPMA ’s role: partner
Vivier de Projets Numériques (VPN, meaning Pool of Digital Projects in French) is a European project of the Erasmus+ programme aiming at putting digital technology at the service of youth associations’ projects.
Coordinated by Animafac (French association) and built with Actions Média Jeunes (Belgian association), EPMA (Czech association) and Hello Asso (French association) over two years, this project will create five intellectual productions to promote the understanding of digital technology by young people involved:
Tutorials for creating websites, applications, media, online events and video games
A guide to digital project management,
A series of videos to understand the societal and environmental challenges of digital technology,
An interactive questionnaire to help young people certify their digital skills,
A collection of European good practices to encourage the emergence of digital projects.
Each of these productions will be accompanied by resources to create training frameworks and workshops that will then be organised by each of the associations in order to disseminate the project and the tools produced to young people and trainers. Finally, an international training course will also be organised to allow an intercultural exchange and why not, new collaborations between young people from different countries.