Name of the project: DE-LAN (Digital Ecosystem – Learning Application Network
Duration: January 2010 – December 2012
Project web page: (closed)
EPMA’s role: EPMA was awarded a public contract for external expertise proposed by the Vysocina Region.
The DE-LAN (Digital Ecosystems-Learning Application Network) project represents an opportunity for participating regions to harness the power of new and emerging technologies and use them to their maximum potential to remain at the forefront of the world economy.
Project outputs:
The widespread dissemination of up-to-date good practices across European regions (Project brochures, Regional and central newsletters, Regional and central press releases, A comprehensive, dedicated web site, Regional and central conferences and dissemination meetings).
Partners will also exchange their experiences of DEs through a variety of channels which include:
- Interregional Workshops and training sessions
- Peer Review Visits to obtain first-hand experience of DE deployment in other regions
- Staff exchanges to share knowledge
- Regional Influencer Map reports
- Benchmark reports on local DE deployment and capacities
- Best Practice Study reports for the selected sectors/themes (including details of good practices from the regional pilot actions)
- Regional and Central Final reports
- A European Good Practice Guide & Toolkit
The principal results of the above outputs will be:
- Greater awareness amongst the key regional stakeholders and policy-makers of the potential benefits of adopting the new DEs
- The development of enhanced policies for future initiatives aimed at embedding innovative good practices into the regional mainstream programmes, not only in the regions participating in the DE –LAN project but across all EU member states.
What is DE?
Digital Business Ecosystems (DBEs/DEs) are evolutionary, self-organising systems which create an online, digital market place that seamlessly connects organisations, companies and individuals in business together. They push towards collaboration, innovation, streamlining, competition and growth in a global and dynamic marketplace.
Digital collaboration through DBEs/DEs can help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to:
- promote their products and services to a wider audience
- collaborate with other SMEs in developing new products and services and in finding or targeting new markets
- undertake effective supply chain management
- streamline working practices
- allow them to become more innovative and to compete in a global and dynamic marketplace
Welsh Assembly Government – Lead Partner (UK)
ANCI – The National Association of Italian Municipalities (IT)
CSP – Innovation in ICT (IT)
Eris@ – European Regional Information Society Association (BE)
FIB – Foundation Insula Barataria (ES)
FUNDECYT – Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology in Extremadura (ES)
KTU – Kaunas University of Technology (LT)
TRC Koroška – Technological Research Centre of Koroška (SI)
Vysocina Region (CZ)